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EAOY 2016

Some will say that you should not consider a certification that has not been approved by the NCCA.  While we are not saying this is an untrue statement, what we would say that our industry has not yet embraced this process.

If you accept the concept, then you are left with the 3 certifications that the ACF has taken through this process - Certified Executive Chef, Certified Sous Chef and Certified Executive Pastry Chef.  That's it.  Kudos to the ACF for getting 3 of their 14 levels approved, 1 per year.  Nothing is approved as of June 2013 from ANY of the other industry organizations. 

So we say, when that becomes OUR industry's standard, then you can apply the "NCCA or nothing" thought, but until then, you need to work with what is out there. 

And our belief is that 1 out of 10,000 prospective employers in our industry, ever heard of the NCCA, so no one is likely to look at your resume and ask if the certifications are NCCA approved.

NCCA is great, just not the standard for our industry now nor in the near future.