Select the course you would like to do, or just check them out, no charge, they are free.
Click here to study for the hardest part of all the tests, the math part of the MCFP test.
At the bottom of each screen is the link to the college (NECB) which is hosting the examinations. When you are ready, click on that link and you can sign up for the certification examination and study guide and pay, after which we will get you the access code for the test.
Take the test when you are ready, all online.
I think there are some lessons you can take from my path from Navy Hospitalman Recruit to NECB professor. Takes 8 minutes to demonstrate how networking and a good attitude are the key to success. Click here. I'm not with NECB any longer, but the points are still the same.
As they say in the investing world, past performance may not be indicative of future results, but, this slide show has over 50 comments from people who took my classes and got promotions, pay raises and special assignments.
Ed provides advice to the military, but the information applies to the value of this online program for ANYONE who is in a remote or small area where face-to-face classes are unlikely. Click here to check it out.